Save Water By Using A Portable Restroom!

45 billion gallons of fresh water are saved annually through the use of portable restrooms.

  • Only 3 percent of the Earth’s water is fresh; 97 percent is salt water.*
  • Americans use more water each day by flushing the toilet than they do by showering or any other activity.**
  • A running toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water per day.*
  • Americans use about 100 gallons of water per day. Europeans use about 50 gallons of water per day. Residents of sub-Saharan Africa use only two to five gallons of water per day.*

Estimated Number of Portable Restrooms:

  • Global Total: 3.4 million
  • North America: 2.0 million
  • Water saved per unit per week (240 uses x 1.6 gallons not being flushed): 384 gallons
  • Water saved per unit per day (384 gallons per week divided by 7 days): 55 gallons

Total Water Saved Per Day in Gallons (assuming 67% of units are in service) 

  • Global (3.4 million units x 67% x 55 gallons): 125 million
  • North America (2.0 million units x 67% x 55 gallons): 73.7 million

Net Water Saved Per Week in Gallons:

  • Global (125 million gallons x 7 days, less 5 gal pre-fill/unit/week): 863.6 million
  • North America (73.7 million gallons x 7 days less 5 gal pre-fill/unit/week: 509.2 million